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[ATS] Peterbilt 281-351 BETA – 1.32
Autor Wiadomość
Ania Offline

Skąd: zachodniopomorskie
Liczba postów: 4,681
Dołączył: 03/05/2013
Reputacja: 177
Podziękował: 2791
Podziękowano mu 5219 raz(y)
Post: #1
Peterbilt 281-351 BETA – 1.32

Cytat:This is the Peterbilt 281-351 For ATS 1.32-1.31 . This mod is not perfect and may crash your game at times when going to the peterbilt dealer. If you may not know, the file for this peterbilt was “damaged / corrupted” meaning that us modders can not open the file. I managed to get around this but left some problems.


When you enter the truck dealer once you enable the mod DO NOT move your mouse or click anything until everything has loaded in. If your game crashes like mine just restart it and it should be fine. Once it is loaded in go ahead and click configure and then right after go out of the config menu and back to the truck browser. At this point instead of the truck name being N/A it should now be Peterbilt 281-351 Day Cab. From there you can click configure and set up your truck as you wish. Enjoy!


PS. I did not add anything to the truck but simply just updated it to 1.32-1.31 and also this is only “Beta” because im working on a fix for getting the crashed fixed and the name of the truck in the truck browser fixed.


Autorzy: MGT, JAWA, Stas556, Kriechbaum, Mikhail Iontsev, Seeker (Updating)
Wersja gry: 1.32
Waga modu: 528MB

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Goście nie widzą linków. Proszę, zarejestruj się TUTAJ, żeby zobaczyć ukrytą treść .

08/11/2018 08:55 AM
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 Podziękowań: Michal_Z_gno

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